Age: 56 moons
Current Name: Bearspot
Past Name(s): Bearkit, Bearpaw
Gender: Male
Current Clan: RiverClan
Past Clan: None
Rank: Warrior
Apprentice: Hazepaw
Relationships with other Cats
Descendent: Rainkit,
Positive relationships: Otterpaw, loyal and feisty daughter of Bearspot.
Neutral relationships: Kestrelstar, Riverclan leader, still not sure what to think of him. Plumstorm, an aggressive she-cat, but can be surprisingly soft at times.
Negative relationships: N/A
Headstrong, caring, and loyal, but impulsive, intrusive, and clingy.
Ambition: To teach young apprentices what he has learned from his life
Physical Traits
Description: A large dark brown spotted Tom with fluffy thick fur with dark green eyes. He has a light brown underbelly and dark brown speckles around his flank, chest, and face. His distinctive trait is the light brown spot around his left eye. He has small, nicked ears and a stub tail.
Scars: Multiple on his muzzle and face, and one large one the left side of his torso.
Voice: Deep and throaty voice
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